Peter Beinart
Peter Beinart, photo by John Collazos


photo: John Collazos

Essays and Videos

Cory Booker Blew It

The Atlantic|

Near the end of the latest Democratic debate, Cory Booker did
something unusual for a presidential candidate: He admitted that his
campaign was in trouble. “I have not yet qualified for the December
stage,” the senator from New Jersey confessed, “If you believe in my voice and that I should be up here, please go to CoryBooker.com. Please help.”

The plea worked. A surge of contributions pushed Booker past the donor threshold needed to quality for the next debate, which is scheduled …

The Problem With Settlements Is Not That They Are Illegal. It’s That They Are Immoral

The Forward|

Yesterday the Trump administration said Israeli settlements in the West Bank don’t violate international law. That’s absurd. Among international lawyers, the consensus that settlements are illegal rivals the consensus among international scientists that humans contribute to climate change. As UCLA’s Dov Waxman has pointed out, the legal advisor to Israel’s own foreign ministry admitted that “civilian settlement in the administered territories contravenes explicit provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention” after Israel conquered the …

The GOP Won’t Disavow Trump, but Nikki Haley Has Another Strategy

The Atlantic|

Nikki Haley has a theory about the post–Donald Trump GOP. It’s that Republicans will want to move on from Trump without repudiating him. They’ll want a candidate who promises healing without accountability. Haley auditions for that role in her new memoir, With All Due Respect. A former South Carolina governor who served as Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations, Haley is a bellwether for her party. She’s done a better job than almost anyone of remaining popular with both …

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