Peter Beinart
Peter Beinart, photo by John Collazos


photo: John Collazos

Essays and Videos

Trump Targets a New Group of Immigrants

The Atlantic|

Last week, Politico reported that the Trump administration was considering adding seven new countries to its travel ban. A majority of them—Eritrea, Sudan, Tanzania, and Nigeria, which is by far the most populous of the seven—are in Africa. The rationalization appears to involve terrorism. In the “counterterrorism” section of a January 17 speech, Chad Wolf, the acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, declared, “We’re establishing criteria that all foreign governments must satisfy to …

Defending Trump Is a Has-Been’s Best Hope

The Atlantic|

Trace the careers of Alan Dershowitz and Ken Starr, both of whom joined Donald Trump’s impeachment team last week, and you notice a similar arc. As young men, each rapidly ascended to the upper echelons of the legal profession. At age 28, Dershowitz became the youngest tenured professor in the history of Harvard Law School. At age 37, Starr was appointed to the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, often called the second-most-powerful court in America. In …

The Nationalism That Trump Can’t See

The Atlantic|

Iran’s missile attack last night on bases where American forces in
Iraq are stationed offered the latest evidence that the Trump
administration has done something extraordinary. By killing Qassem
Soleimani, Iran’s most powerful military leader, at a Baghdad airport,
it has turned both Iranian and Iraqi nationalism against the United

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