Articles by Peter Beinart from The Daily Beast

Obama Needs An Enemy

The country may be down on the president. But compared to what? Wait till people get a better look at John Boehner and his band of corporate fat cats. Peter Beinart on the good news for Democrats. Plus, midterm predictions from the Election...

2015-05-19T15:21:57-04:00By |

Stop Attacking NPR!

The right wants to strip National Public Radio of federal funding after firing Juan Williams. Peter Beinart on conservatives' short-sighted populism-and why we need NPR now more than ever. Whatever the firing of Juan Williams does, or does not, say...

2015-05-19T15:21:57-04:00By |

America's Tea Party Fraud

The British just showed how real conservatives behave-with the biggest cuts in government spending since World War II. Peter Beinart on how pathetic U.S. Republicans look by comparison. This fall, a group of kamikaze conservatives, terrified by...

2015-05-19T15:21:57-04:00By |

Why Obama Needs Colin Powell

Will David Petraeus honor President Obama's plan to draw down U.S. troops in Afghanistan? Peter Beinart on why Powell is the only man who can help make it happen. There may be only one man left in America who can get the United States out of...

2015-05-19T15:21:57-04:00By |

Obama's War With the Pentagon

The clash between the White House and the military brass over the Afghan war will grow more intense under the new national security adviser. Peter Beinart on the knife fight ahead. James Jones is out as national security adviser; Tom Donilon is in....

2015-05-19T15:21:57-04:00By |

Obama's a Lock in 2012

Sure, things look grim for the Dems this fall. But the base will rally, the economy will turn up, and the GOP will shoot itself in the foot-ensuring the president a second term. Arnold Schwarzenegger made headlines this week by declaring that "Obama...

2015-05-19T15:21:57-04:00By |

How the GOP Could Blow It

Face it: Republicans will win big in November. But if they actually carry out the Tea Party mandate to slash spending, the GOP will lose public support in the long run. The midterms are boring-boring because everyone knows, in broad strokes, what's...

2015-05-19T15:21:57-04:00By |

Exit Rahm. Left Turn Ahead.

On his last day as chief of staff, Emanuel said that he believes "the whole country is better" for his service. Peter Beinart on the left turn Obama will take under Emanuel's successor Pete Rouse now that the liberal-baiting Rahm is gone. Rahm...

2015-05-19T15:21:57-04:00By |

How U.S. Jews Stymie Peace Talks

Mideast talks fall apart, as Israel lets West Bank settlements begin anew. Peter Beinart on how American Jewish groups tie Obama's hands-and work against peace. This just in, for anyone in the United States who still cares: Israel has not renewed...

2015-05-19T15:21:57-04:00By |

After Summers, More Brawling

The departure of Larry Summers leaves a power vacuum in Washington. Look for Obama's Chicago circle to fill it-and watch the gloves come off. Larry Summers has succeeded. We don't yet know whether historians will judge the economic policy that he...

2015-05-19T15:21:57-04:00By |
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