The Real Scandal of Hillary Clinton’s Emails

In a February 23 hearing on a Freedom of Information Act request for Hillary Clinton’s official State Department emails—emails that don’t exist because Hillary Clinton secretly conducted email on a private Blackberrry connected to a private server—District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan exclaimed, “How in the world could this happen?” …

2016-06-01T13:29:57-04:00By |

Battle of the Surrogates

On Tuesday, the Clinton and Trump campaigns did what they will do pretty much every day between now and November: try to define their opponent in the media. Hillary Clinton’s message for the day was: Donald Trump screws the little guy. At a campaign rally, Clinton herself attacked Trump for having said he hoped the housing bubble would pop, because “people like me would go ...

2016-06-01T13:28:06-04:00By |

Trump’s Self-Pitying Aggression

Roughly five minutes into his interview on Wednesday night with Fox’s Megyn Kelly, Donald Trump said something that’s crucial to understanding his political success. Kelly asked him about being a bully. Trump responded that, “I’m a counterpuncher, you understand. I’m responding. I respond by maybe, times ten. I don’t know. I respond pretty strongly. But in just about all cases I’ve been responding to what ...

2016-05-23T20:41:47-04:00By |

Hot at the Press

On Saturday, Donald Trump ally and confidante Roger Stone declared that CNN “is not a news organization but an advocacy group” and that “when Donald Trump is president, he should turn off their FCC license.” (Full disclosure: I’m a CNN contributor.) …

2016-05-23T20:36:44-04:00By |

Paul Ryan Signals His Surrender

In his press conference this morning, Paul Ryan began the process of surrendering the Republican Party to Donald Trump. The key isn’t what he said. It’s what he didn’t say. …

2016-05-23T20:34:02-04:00By |

Sadiq Khan Will Not Be Trump’s ‘Exception’

Asked whether his temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States would apply to London’s newly elected mayor, Sadiq Khan, Donald Trump responded, “There will always be exceptions.” (Trump has justified the ban by arguing that the United States doesn’t have a competent border-screening system. His screening system, evidently, is personal whim.) …

2016-05-11T22:34:02-04:00By |

Ben Sasse Is Not the Republican Savior

Kudos to Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse for reaffirming in a widely discussed “open letter” that he won’t support Donald Trump. I just wish the letter weren’t so self-righteously dumb. Sasse, often mentioned as a potential third-party candidate, addresses his missive to the “majority of America” that believes that “both leading presidential candidates are dishonest.” He goes onto declare that neither Trump nor Hillary are “honorable ...

2016-05-11T22:31:45-04:00By |

The Democrats Are Built to Win

The bad news is that the Republican Party will now almost certainly nominate the most dangerous presidential nominee in modern American history. The good news is that the Democratic Party is built to defeat him. The reason is straightforward. The Democratic Party has become, to a significant extent, an anti-racist party. The Republican Party has not. …

2016-05-11T22:35:22-04:00By |

Clinton’s Battle Plan

As they look ahead to the general election, some commentators envision a campaign in which Donald Trump attacks viciously and Hillary Clinton makes a virtue of her refusal to stoop to his level. “I think Trump’s method will be to turn on the insult comedy against Hillary Clinton,” declared GOP consultant Mike Murphy earlier this week. “Her big judo move is playing the victim.” Vox’s ...

2016-05-11T22:21:38-04:00By |

Donald Trump and the GOP Tradition of Foreign-Policy Incoherence

Making fun of the foreign-policy speech Donald Trump gave yesterday is easy. He said, “‘America First’ will be the major and overriding theme of my administration,” thus borrowing the slogan of those Americans who opposed America’s entry in World War II. Then, three sentences later, he praised America’s victory in World War II. He warned that, “our friends are beginning to think they can’t depend ...

2016-04-29T09:04:11-04:00By |
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