Why Doesn’t The New York Times Mention Ben Shapiro’s Islamophobia?

Now and then—when Donald Trump retweets a video entitled “Muslim migrant beats up Dutch boy on crutches!” by a British woman convicted of harassing a woman wearing a hijab, for instance—the media notices anti-Muslim bigotry. But often, it remains invisible. In recent years, this species of prejudice has become so pervasive, especially on the American right, that even talented journalists miss what is right in front of their eyes. ...

2017-12-05T09:07:53-05:00By |

Actually, Steve Bannon Is Not An Anti-Semite. He’s Something Worse

Last week in The New York Times, columnist Bret Stephens did something brave: He called the Zionist Organization of America’s decision to host Steve Bannon at its gala “a disgrace.” Stephens’s condemnation was brave because ZOA enjoys considerable support in the hawkish Zionist circles in which he travels. Its gala featured, in addition to Bannon, Alan Dershowitz, Joe Lieberman and Sen. Tom Cotton. Taking on your own crowd ...

2017-11-27T11:20:52-05:00By |

The Orthodox Should Know Better Than To Embrace Hatred Of Muslims

This fall, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) announced that Steve Bannon, executive chairman of Breitbart and a former adviser to President Trump, would speak at its annual gala. Liberal Jews protested that Bannon has fanned the anti-Semitism of the “alt-right.” Conservatives replied by citing all the Jews Breitbart has employed, and Bannon’s support for moving America’s embassy to Jerusalem. Far from being an anti-Semite, they insisted, ...

2017-11-10T08:53:04-05:00By |

Why Are Mormons Obsessed With Jews?

Earlier this month, Stephen Walt marked the tenth anniversary of his and John Mearsheimer’s book, The Israel Lobby, with a column in The Forward. In it, he restated his thesis that “unconditional U.S. support for Israel — the so-called ‘special relationship’ — is not explained by U.S. strategic interests or by shared values, as is often claimed, but is due primarily to the political efforts and activities ...

2017-10-23T10:04:53-04:00By |

On the Jewish Community’s Shameful Silence About Israel’s Arms to Myanmar

Three weeks ago, an organization called J.A.C.O.B. — the Jewish Alliance of Concern over Burma — cosponsored a rally in front of the United Nations. The reason: the government of Myanmar (Burma’s current name) is slaughtering its Muslim minority, the Rohingya, on a vast scale. As many as 400,000 Rohingya have fled their homes. Forty percent of Rohingya villages are now depopulated. According to the ...

2017-10-11T12:29:39-04:00By |

Bernie Sanders Should Just Keep His Mouth Shut On The High Holidays

Last week, Bernie Sanders gave a much-touted foreign policy speech at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, the same location where Winston Churchill delivered his famous “Iron Curtain” address in 1946. The contents of the speech were intriguing. So was its timing. Sanders delivered it on the first day of Rosh Hashanah. …

2017-10-02T09:16:05-04:00By |

What Bibi Said At The UN Was True — And That’s Horrifying

It’s easy to throw darts at the speech Benjamin Netanyahu delivered on Tuesday at the United Nations. He bashed the Iranian nuclear deal while depicting himself as a champion of the Iranian people. “My Iranian friends,” he declared, “you will be free from the evil regime that terrorizes you.” But ordinary Iranians greeted the nuclear deal by dancing in the streets because it offered a ...

2017-09-21T04:29:54-04:00By |
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