About Peter Beinart

Peter Beinart is an American columnist, journalist, and political commentator. A former editor of The New Republic, he has also written for Time, and The New York Times among other periodicals. He is also the author of three books. You can follow him on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/peterbeinart, and on Substack at: https://peterbeinart.substack.com

The Weirdest—and Possibly Best—Proposal to Resolve the North Korea Crisis

“Washington has a long habit of painting its enemies 10 feet tall—and crazy,” as Fareed Zakaria once noted. Thus, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster in December called North Korea’s nuclear-weapons program—which according to American intelligence still probably lacks the capacity to hit the U.S. mainland with a nuclear weapon—“the most destabilizing development, I think, in the post-World War II period.” More destabilizing, evidently, than Stalin or Mao’s far ...

2018-02-13T08:58:07-05:00By |

You Don’t Need Jewish Values To Denounce Israel’s Treatment Of Asylum Seekers

Last week, Isabel Kershner, The New York Times’ estimable Israel correspondent, wrote an article about the Netanyahu government’s decision to either expel Eritrean and Sudanese asylum seekers to third countries or indefinitely lock them up. The article ran under the headline, “Israel Moves to Expel Africans. Critics Say That’s Not Jewish.” …

2018-02-13T09:00:40-05:00By |

The Establishment Strikes Back

Since Donald Trump became president, pundits have wondered what it would take for the Republican establishment to stand up to him. Now we know. …

2018-02-01T09:09:22-05:00By |

Why America Is Fighting About Immigration

Government shutdowns are a useful window into what really matters to politicians. It’s one thing to say you care about an issue. It’s another to care about it enough to tell hundreds of thousands of federal employees to stay home, and to risk the political blowback that arises when their absence starts wreaking havoc on ordinary Americans’ lives. …

2018-02-01T09:04:32-05:00By |

What Happens To Israel When There Are More Muslims In America Than Jews?

Since the 1990s, American presidents have provided Israel the military capacity and diplomatic immunity to control millions of Palestinians who lack basic rights. Yet, at the same time, American presidents have insisted that Palestinians deserve those basic rights — that, in the words of George W. Bush, “it is untenable for Palestinians to live in squalor and occupation.” …

2018-01-12T09:36:06-05:00By |

American Conservatives Are Contradicting Themselves on Iran

On Wednesday in The Washington Post, Vice President Mike Pence contrasted his boss’s response to protests in Iran to President Obama’s response in 2009. Obama, he said, had “stayed silent” and “declined to stand with a proud people who sought to escape from under the heavy weight of a dictatorship.” But “under President Trump,” Pence crowed, “the United States is standing with them.” …

2018-01-12T09:42:44-05:00By |

No Light at the End of This Tunnel

Do we need another history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Most Americans, even those who care about the subject, would probably say no. For one thing, most Americans already know what they think. Israel/Palestine is the foreign policy equivalent of abortion. The debate is vicious but predictable, and in the American political mainstream its contours haven’t changed much in a quarter-century. In the Trump era, moreover, Americans ...

2018-01-12T10:39:39-05:00By |

Trump Doesn’t Seem to Buy His Own National Security Strategy

If you oppose Donald Trump’s new National Security Strategy, take heart. Apparently, he does too. Fifteen minutes into his speech unveiling the strategy on Tuesday, Trump butchered it in a revealing way. In its fourth paragraph, the strategy declares that the Trump administration will pursue a “strategy of principled realism.” But Trump mangled the phrase, declaring instead that, “Our new strategy is based on a principle, realism.” …

2017-12-26T18:58:59-05:00By |

Jews Are Due For A #MeToo Reckoning – About Palestinians

To varying degrees, most of us live in a state of willful blindness. We see horror all around us: people lying half-clothed, unconscious, on the sidewalk; football players who sustain brain damage for our enjoyment; news reports about children dying of hunger. We see these things the way we see the passing landscape. We see them and we go about our day. Then there are ...

2017-12-26T19:13:28-05:00By |
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